The free ios app for online shopaholics offering the wide range of products & categories in Lifestyle.electronics,Mobiles, Fashion ,travel,Home & many more.Provides a distinct user experience with over hundreds of products online.
We know how much you love the convenience of online shopping.Find your personalized style products when it comes to fashion, travel accessories, electronics, lifestyle products.Our latest shopping segments includes wide range of products from categories such as Home appliances, sunglasses& more
Eksesuar is one of the fastest growing apps, expanding its reach locally as well as diversifying its current existing categories with latest new demanding categories like electronics, clothing, Kitchen Appliances.
The APP navigation is highly intuitive, interactive & stylish to ease the user shopping experience with fullest user-friendly design.
Shop real good brands at feel-good prices at Eksesuar. We offer authentic & exclusive offers from vast range of wider selection of brands.Access to 1000s of exclusive styles, electronic products &fashion accessories, are sourced directly from the brand authorized sellers.
Get Addicted to an infinite fashionable range of products & avail exciting offers & deals. And place an order anywhere, anytime with the official Eksesuar Application
Some of the Exciting App Features include:
Refine Your search based on Popularity, colors, sizes, prices & More.
Rich product description and images with the detailed information of products from our lovable brands
Personalized wallet & collections to save it for later by adding your wish straight from the app
Choose payment options like cash on delivery or either Knet cards
For Any app related feedback, Email at Info